A place where all Alliance partners including Youth, Promise Fellows, Community Partners and Statewide Partners can share articles, workshops, ideas, and stories about our collective work with youth.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Youth Sense Newsletter from the SEARCH Institute
It features an article from one of our very own Promise Fellows, Stacie Weeks.
to view it, click here
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Youth Success in St. Paul Event
A free event being sponsored by Minnesota Campus Compact and the Center for Democracy and Citizenship. On Thursday, Nov. 4th, from 1:00-3:30 pm, we'll gather to learn about diverse St. Paul communities’ perspectives on youth success, to map our various efforts to support youth success in school and life, and to explore potential areas for collaborative action and assessment. The event is opportunity for colleges and universities in St. Paul to hear about what is already being done around youth success and to form new partnerships to promote youth success. For more info, contact Lucy at marincel@augsburg.edu. To RSVP: go to http://youthsuccess.eventbrite.com.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
National Learn and Serve Challenge
Check out this video for more information, watch the video
2. SHARE THE VIDEO. Visit the Learn and Serve Challenge online to share the video with friends and colleagues via email, Facebook, Twitter, your own blog, or other social networking tools. Share the video today.
3. BECOME A CHALLENGE PARTNER. List your school or organization as a proud supporter of service-learning and a partner of the National Learn & Serve Challenge. Become a Partner now.