Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Teen Voice

Last year, the SEARCH Institute and Best Buy teamed up to explore the importance of teen motivation and engagement in civic life. They found that only seven percent of 15 year-olds in the U.S. experience a strong combination of three key factors critical to their success. Titled Teen Voice 2009: The Untapped Strengths of 15-Year-Olds, the national survey of 1,817 15-year olds found that a majority of these teens lacked high levels of each of the concepts: “sparks,” “teen voice,” and “relationships and opportunities.”

Click here for the entire research study.

Friday, December 24, 2010

How Realistic is College Access?

I know we're encouraging our students and our youth groups to attend college, but I hope we're preparing them for the reality of paying for their education. There was a CNBC special on, on December 21st that highlighted America's mounting debt crisis. If you have some downtime this holiday weekend, make sure you take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with what they're anticipating will be the 'next big bubble to burst.'

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Disordered: Thy Name is Teenager

Everyone mark your calendars for Friday March 11th, because MN YIPA and the Mentoring Partnership of MN will be presenting a phenomenal afternoon (1:00-3:30pm) training on issues relating to, and impacting teenagers in America today. Disordered is a play that is written and performed by teens working with the Blank Slate Theatre. It is a mixture of spoken word with acting out monologues of various different characters who are coping with some of the common struggles faced by American teens. The cast will talk about various disorders such as depression, OCD, Anxiety, eating disorders, ODD and ADHD, as they pertain to their daily lives. We will have the honor of watching the play LIVE, and will follow it up with a brief Q&A session and discussion. This production aims to bring a perspective on teenagers that the media often ignores: that teens, like adults, suffer with mental disorders.

The location and cost of this performance are TBD, so please stay tuned for more information! For now, I'll leave you with the official trailer, which will hopefully entice you to consider joining us for this wonderfully unique opportunity.


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

"Hear Us Out": Students Talk about the Realities of College Access

This is a great study conducted entirely by high school students about college access and success from the student point of view. An interesting read for anyone interested in student access to higher education. Kudos for the all work many of you already do on this important issue!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Early Intervention in Education article

Check out this cool article that outlines the significant impact that Response to Intervention (RTI) programs can have on students. This looks really similar to the work of Promise Fellows across the state (although MN doesn't yet have a formal policy framework for the RTI approach....)

Check it out!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Insulating the Educational Pipeline

Check out this interesting take on increasing postsecondary success among students across the country. This article posits that efforts cannot end when a student leaves high school, either as a drop out or as a graduate.  Although the article recognizes the importance of decreasing high school drop-out rates, it suggests redefining high school graduation and college readiness as end goals.

To view the webpage with a pdf, click here

Friday, December 3, 2010

Allies for Minnesota's Undocumented Students: Access to Higher Education

Upcoming Event at Augsburg College:

December 9, 2010
Doors: 3:30 p.m. | Program: 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.| Reception: 6:00 p.m.

Join NAVIGATE to discuss the challenges Minnesota's undocumented students face to getting a college education. In this summit, speakers will share their legal, professional, and personal experience to give allies the tools to become more effective supporters and advocates for undocumented students.


· John Keller,
Executive Director and Supervising Attorney of the Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota
· Amanda Ziebell-Finley,
Program Director of the Minnesota College Access Network
· Juventino Meza,
Executive Director, NAVIGATE
A panel of students who can share their personal experience

Join us after the summit for a brief reception. Refreshments will be provided.

About NAVIGATE: NAVIGATE is a leadership development program for immigrant young adults who face financial, social, and legal barriers to higher education, to achieve their dreams through changing unjust systems.

For more information:

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Graduation Rate on the Rise!

Finally some good news, huh? Check out this article that mentions America's Promise Alliance.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Survival Strategies for the Youth Service Provider

Hey all! This Friday, December 3rd, YIPA is having an afternoon training featuring Steve Zvonar, DC, BS. He specializes in functional medicine and personal wellness coaching. He also received health coach training from Wellcoaches Inc. and has been in private practice for 25 years. He recently wrote a guest blog for us, if you're interested in reading about the popular topic of recognizing and dealing with stress.

Where: Northern Star's Base Camp
201 Bloomington Road
Fort Snelling, MN 55111

Please note that directions from Mapquest may be incorrect, so please click here for directions, or here for a map.

When: December 3rd, from 1-3:30 pm

Cost: FREE to Promise Fellows

Click here to register!

Monday, November 22, 2010

The Global Achievement Gap Article

Check out this article from the NYtimes Opinion Section by Tom Friedman on the idea of a global achievement gap. The article discusses America's education and how it stacks up to the rest of the world, as well as his personal take on what needs to be done to beef up our failing system. He has some great points about collaboration and advertising excellence in schools. Feel free to post comments!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Higher Education and K-12 Schools: Critical Partners for Child Success

A great article on the importance of K-12 and higher education partnerships. With some Jerry McGuire thrown in.
Happy Wednesday!

Friday, November 12, 2010

National Catastrophe: The Achievement Gap

How many studies does it take to prove there is a crisis?

That is the question some educators are asking as a new study argues that the achievement gap between black male students and their white counterparts in American schools is far worse than anyone thought. A report released this week is just the latest in a long line of studies showing that the achievement gap between black and white students has widened in recent years, and that black males are being left behind in America's schools at alarming rates. Frustrated after years of seeing similar data, many say it's time to start applying lessons educators have already learned about how to close the gap.

A recent NY Times article about the achievement gap.

The Council of The Great City Schools also released a report called A Call for Change: The Social and Educational Factors Contributing to the Outcomes of Black Males in Urban Schools, which I would recommend skimming to get a better understanding of what we're up against. Each and every AmeriCorps Promise Fellow in Minnesota is making a difference, and helping to close this gap. Thank you for all you do, SCPs and SPNs!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

More than just mean girls; A series on Relational Aggression

The Center for Excellence in Children's Mental Health and Institute of Child Development of the University of Minnesota are partnering this year to sponsor a series on relational aggression in the context of children's mental health. This kind of aggression is often difficult to detect and is more often seen in girls. Girls tend to place a high value on friendships and use their relationships to intimidate and isolate those who are their targets. The aim of this year’s series is to help those who interact with children and adolescents recognize the signs and symptoms of relational aggression and explore effective interventions and prevention measures.

There are three sessions in total, each costing $50.

Click here to learn more about each of the three sessions.

Monday, November 8, 2010

For Aspiring Student Social Entrepreneurs!

Check out Venture Lab; an event bringing together youth interested in creating sustainable social ventures. The day long event (November 20th, from 8am-5pm) gives teams the opportunity to develop their ideas working with business and social entrepreneurs and the chance to submit their proposals for additional support and funding. Venture Lab is the creation of Ashoka's Youth Venture. For more information, visit MN Campus Compact's blog, Campus in Community.

Happy Monday!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Search Institute's Asset Champions

Check out this interesting material from the Search Institute about igniting the spark in all children and youth with whom you work.  Read about ideas from other schools, how to become a Spark Champion and more on the Search Institute's Big Tent Conference, here.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Minnesota Mentoring Conference

The Minnesota Mentoring Conference was held Monday, October 25th and featured a variety of workshops and speakers dealing with youth mentoring strategies and styles.  Speakers were Dr. Andrea Taylor, Director of Training at Temple University's Intergenerational Center, who spoke about youth-adult partnerships and mentoring and Larry Wright, President & CEO of MENTOR/National Mentoring Partnership.  The workshop themes ranged from the teenage mind, mentoring 101's, leadership and fundraising and sustainability of mentoring programs.

The Alliance was also an exhibitor at the conference!  See photos below.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Leadership Training Curriculum

MN Campus Compact is now offering a day long leadership curriculum. The resource includes asset mapping material, conflict resolution role play scenarios and much more. The material can be adapted for many age groups and can be used a whole or broken up into shorter trainings. To access the curriculum, go to and click on the Leadership Curriculum button. Questions, comments or suggestions about the material can be sent to Lucy at

Happy Monday!

This link won't connect you to a resource, a research study or a suggestion for a lesson, but it's definitely worth a read. Sometimes we get so caught up in meeting deadlines and "getting work done" that we forget how as youth service workers or educators we touch the lives of others every single day. I would encourage every one of you to read the article and take some time to think about an influential person in your life. And beyond that, think of how you can become that mentor and role model to a young person.

“Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for greatness lives within each of us.” - Wilma Rudolph

Friday, October 29, 2010

Youth Sense Newsletter from the SEARCH Institute

Check out the Search Institute's newsletter called Youth Sense

It features an article from one of our very own Promise Fellows, Stacie Weeks.
to view it, click here

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Youth Success in St. Paul Event

A free event being sponsored by Minnesota Campus Compact and the Center for Democracy and Citizenship. On Thursday, Nov. 4th, from 1:00-3:30 pm, we'll gather to learn about diverse St. Paul communities’ perspectives on youth success, to map our various efforts to support youth success in school and life, and to explore potential areas for collaborative action and assessment. The event is opportunity for colleges and universities in St. Paul to hear about what is already being done around youth success and to form new partnerships to promote youth success. For more info, contact Lucy at To RSVP: go to

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

National Learn and Serve Challenge

The white house is kicking-off its Learn and Serve Challenge this week, which is a seven-month campaign to increase awareness and public support for service-learning. It begins this week and will culminate in April 2011 with a few key milestones along the way, such as engaging local media through Service-Learning Solution Media Days in January, showcasing and sharing effective strategies and activities to build support for service-learning at the 2011 National Service-Learning Conference and celebrating service efforts around the country in conjunction with Global Youth Service Day.

Check out this video for more information, watch the video

How to engage yourself: 

1.  SIGN-UP. Make sure your service-learning site is represented on the national map of voices for service-learning. Enroll as an individual, classroom, youth group, club, school/campus, school district, organization, or community-wide initiative. Accept the Challenge

2.  SHARE THE VIDEO. Visit the Learn and Serve Challenge online to share the video with friends and colleagues via email, Facebook, Twitter, your own blog, or other social networking tools. Share the video today.  

3.  BECOME A CHALLENGE PARTNER. List your school or organization as a proud supporter of service-learning and a partner of the National Learn & Serve Challenge. Become a Partner now.  

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Great Stories and Pictures

Promise Fellows Will Grant from Parkview Center School in Roseville and Kaylie Burns from Prairie Seeds Academy shared with me some projects that they have recently engaged in at their sites.  Check out a short description and look at their pictures, maybe you'll even be inspired by them.

Will is involved in Parkview's out of school program Friendship Connection, a group made up of 4th - 8th graders from the school.  In their space, a large white wall needed some sprucing up, and the team leaders decided to spearhead a mural project for their members of the program to help complete.  Their theme was P.E.A.C.E, or Peace, Equity, Action, Community, Environment - an acronym that is also the school's motto.  Students were excited and actively engaged in the project, which produced a pretty cool end result.  Check out some pictures of the mural and its construction below.  
    A work in progress

   Friendship Connection Member with Mural
    The finished product

Kaylie Burns had this to say about her service learning group:

The service learning group at Prairie Seeds Academy is in full swing! Tuesday, October 12 found the entire youth cohort of 50 kids and 15 adult volunteers packing meals at Feed My Starving Children in Coon Rapids, Minnesota. This year, the cohort is focusing on green concepts, zero-waste, and helping people through these ideas. The cohort saw an awesome opportunity to help children less fortunate than themselves and also think about how to remedy the waste that Americans create every day.  Many of the students (and volunteers) were touched by the event. In her post field trip reflection, 9th grader Bao Vang said, “I really liked it because I got to be a part of something big. Everyone was kind and encouraging.” Ginseng Thao, also a ninth grader, wrote, “I loved it! I wish to go there again. I only wished that it lasted longer. I never worked so hard in my life before. So this was a very good thing for me.” Sandwiches and drinks donated by local Subway restaurants and picked up by trusty volunteers rounded out the day. 
The effect of Feed My Starving Children’s message was not lost on any student. And many were grateful for the opportunity. Raymond Lee (sixth grade) felt “good, and excited, because lots of food was able to be packed with everyone’s help.” The staff and volunteers at FSMC helped everyone feel valued and important to the final product and created a wonderful service-learning environment for the 120+ adults and children participating on Tuesday. Though not the first service-learning opportunity the students have had, it might have been the most affective, Martin DeLeon asserted, “Our cohort is helping the world. I love saving lives and helping the environment.” 

Thanks for sharing your stories guys!  If you'd like to share YOUR story, contact Spencer ( 

Happy MEA!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Suicide Prevention Lecture

In lieu of the recent suicides across the nation, it is time to getting talking about suicide awareness and prevention. Please join Dan Reidenberg who is the Executive Director of SAVE (Suicide Awareness Voices of Education), for a FREE lecture at 5:30pm on Monday, October 25, 2010 at Coffman Memorial Union, Mississippi Room.

SAVE is a national non-profit agency working to prevent suicide and help suicide survivors and those suffering with brain illnesses. He is also the Managing Director of the National Council for Suicide Prevention, serves on the Steering Committees for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline and the Suicide Prevention Resource Center and the Advisory Committee of Dr. Reidenberg is also the US Representative to the International Association for Suicide Prevention.

Suicide is the third leading cause of death among people ages 15-24, and the second leading cause of death in college students. Each year, 1,100 college students are lost to suicide. One in four college students struggle with a mental illnesses, such as depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, or eating disorders.

This event, free and open to the public, and is part of the Magraw-Fuller Lecture Series. For more information, contact Eva Widder at or by phone at (612) 626-5146.

If you end up going, let me know what you thought of the event!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Waiting for Superman Tool-Kit

Hey PF's-

If you haven't seen Waiting for Superman yet, I'd really recommend it.  It elicits a lot of discussion and is a great way to gain hours.

America's Promise, our national partner, has put together a tool-kit to help facilitate discussion for groups after seeing the movie.  This would be a great resource for you if you'd like to take your youth or see it together and discuss afterward.

check it out here:

For a trailer of the movie, click here:


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Minnesota Without Poverty

Hey y'all! While at 10-10-10 today (which was fabulous, btw), I got to chatting with a very inspiring woman by the name of Nancy Maeker. She works for an organization called A Minnesota Without Poverty. She told me about a great project they're putting together, and I thought it might be something you SCPs would like to try with your students or youth groups, if you are in need of a lesson or teaching materials. The campaign is called, "In Search of Enough," and it aims to discuss some important questions: What is enough? Who has enough? What does enough look like? And so on. They want people (young and old) to create art that will be displayed from Duluth and Fergus Falls to Rochester and Willmar. If you're interested in learning more, email Nancy at or by phone at 612-310-9560... this could be a great Civic Engagement opportunity...

Deadline for entries is April 29, 2011!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Emerging Organization Scholarships for St. Paul Nonprofits Working on K-12 Education Issues

In cooperation with the Travelers Foundation, Access Philanthropy Charities is offering organizational scholarships in fundraising, communications, and strategic development to newer/smaller organizations that are based in Saint Paul and working on K-12 education issues. The deadline to apply is October 15. Learn more (pdf).

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Gubernatorial Candidate Forum Oct. 11

Mark Dayton (DFL), Tom Emmer (R), Tom Horner (Independent) 
When:  Monday, Oct. 11, from noon to 1 p.m. Registration begins at 11 a.m. with a light lunch from 11:15 to 11:45.
Where:  Minnesota Children’s Museum, 10 W. 7th St., St. Paul. Register to attend the event by sending an email to brian [dot] lucas [at] Please include your name, title and organization affiliation in the email. Space is limited, so RSVP soon.
Why: This forum will help ensure that the needs and issues facing Minnesota children are addressed during this election cycle.
Who: Minnesota’s three major-party candidates will field questions from a panel of representatives from Children’s, MELF and a Twin Cities high-school student, who is a Children’s Hospitals and Clinics Youth Advisory Council member and a former patient.
How to participate:
  • Help select questions you would like the candidates to answer during the event by voting now.
  • Send your questions and comments by texting MNFORUM and your question to 27138.
  • Follow the conversation of journalists, bloggers, attendees and the general public via Use the hashtag #MNGovbefore the debate and #MNDebate on Oct. 11
for more info: When:  Monday, Oct. 11, from noon to 1 p.m. Registration begins at 11 a.m. with a light lunch from 11:15 to 11:45.
Where:  Minnesota Children’s Museum, 10 W. 7th St., St. Paul. Register to attend the event by sending an email to brian [dot] lucas [at] Please include your name, title and organization affiliation in the email. Space is limited, so RSVP soon.
Why: This forum will help ensure that the needs and issues facing Minnesota children are addressed during this election cycle.
Who: Minnesota’s three major-party candidates will field questions from a panel of representatives from Children’s, MELF and a Twin Cities high-school student, who is a Children’s Hospitals and Clinics Youth Advisory Council member and a former patient.
How to participate:
  • Help select questions you would like the candidates to answer during the event by voting now.
  • Send your questions and comments by texting MNFORUM and your question to 27138.
  • Follow the conversation of journalists, bloggers, attendees and the general public via Use the hashtag #MNGovbefore the debate and #MNDebate on Oct. 11.
for more information: When:  Monday, Oct. 11, from noon to 1 p.m. Registration begins at 11 a.m. with a light lunch from 11:15 to 11:45.
Where:  Minnesota Children’s Museum, 10 W. 7th St., St. Paul. Register to attend the event by sending an email to brian [dot] lucas [at] Please include your name, title and organization affiliation in the email. Space is limited, so RSVP soon.
Why: This forum will help ensure that the needs and issues facing Minnesota children are addressed during this election cycle.
Who: Minnesota’s three major-party candidates will field questions from a panel of representatives from Children’s, MELF and a Twin Cities high-school student, who is a Children’s Hospitals and Clinics Youth Advisory Council member and a former patient.
How to participate:
  • Help select questions you would like the candidates to answer during the event by voting now.
  • Send your questions and comments by texting MNFORUM and your question to 27138.
  • Follow the conversation of journalists, bloggers, attendees and the general public via Use the hashtag #MNGovbefore the debate and #MNDebate on Oct. 11

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Educational Strategies and Solutions to Prepare Black Male Students for Success

On October 11th and 12th, St. Catherine University will be hosting its 2010 Social Justice Symposium on their St. Paul Campus. Their Diversity Council presents, "Accelerating Effective, Progressive Action in Minnesota Schools: Educational Strategies and Solutions to Prepare Black Male Students for Success. This upcoming event is not only exciting because of the subject matter they will be covering, but also because it's FREE and open to the public! For more information or questions, feel free to call the University's Office of Student Affairs at 651-690-6778.

Go get 'em, Promise Fellows!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Education Nation

Has anyone had a chance to tune into NBC Nightly News this week? If not, you've been missing out on an amazing summit featuring parents, teachers, and students from across the nation who will come together with leaders in politics, business, and technology to discuss the challenges and opportunities in education today.

Education Nation is a nationally broadcast, in-depth conversation about improving education in America. Please take a few minutes to check out their website for resources, video clips from the summit and highlights in education.

Our country. Our future.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Food Stamps

For any AmeriCorps Promise Fellow interested in applying for Food Stamps, go to the following link to apply:

All the information about what you need should be provided!

Using the Standards to Help Plan Service-Learning Units

Planning Service-Learning in an traditional or after-school setting? Let the standards be your guide! The K-12 Service-Learning Standards for Quality Practice were researched and published by National Youth Leadership Council to provide educators with guidance on providing the most high quality Service-Learning for their students. We know now, when Service-Learning is done with quality your students will have the most academic and personal benefits. Each standard includes 4-5 indicators for you to compare to your Service-Learning to help strengthen the quality of your curriculum.

Where can you get more information on the K-12 Service-Learning Standards for Quality Practice?

To get a deeper understanding on what the quality Service-Learning looks like related to the standards join the Generator School Network (GSN). The Generator School Network is a FREE online community for anyone who uses Service-Learning. On the GSN you can see example projects, use the Lift to explore the K-12 Service-Learning Standards for Quality Practice, and communicate with others around the country that use Service-Learning. Go to to sign up... IT'S FREE!

Last but not least, want FREE help planning your Service-Learning unit? We can help! Contact Lana Peterson, or Irina Vaynerman, to sit down and half a nice up of coffee and talk over your Service-Learning.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Civic Engagement Forums from MN Campus Contact

From Lucy, the Promise Fellow at Minnesota Campus Contact
A good resource for hearing about School-Community Partnerships and a place to share your own stories!  Happening in 3 locations in Minnesota.
2010 Minnesota Campus Compact Fall Civic Engagement Forums

Campus-Community Partnerships:  Supporting Student Success and Economic Vitality
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Augsburg College, Oren Gateway Center - Room 100, 1-3 p.m.

Thursday, October 21, 2010
Winona State University, Room TBA, 2-4 p.m.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
University of Minnesota Morris, Student Center - Cougar Room, 10 a.m.-Noon

There is a strong consensus that the nation’s economic future hinges upon higher education’s ability to graduate the innovative thinkers and the diverse, skilled workforce necessary in a rapidly-changing world.

In Minnesota, the
Minnesota Office of Higher Education tracks progress on goals regarding increased college access and success and the development of a globally competitive workforce. Other stakeholders, from the Citizens League to Growth and Justice, to the Itasca Project support increased college attendance.

Nationally, political leaders including
President Barack Obama and the National Governors Association, join private funders such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Lumina Foundation for Education to promote greater skills development and college completion rates.

Please join campus and community leaders for a rich discussion of civic engagement’s positive impact on these critical public priorities.
Hear stories of specific, effective efforts across Minnesota. Share your own perspective.

Registration is free and open to all. Simply RSVP from the links above. If you have a powerful success story to share at a forum please email
John Hamerlinck or call 320-308-4271.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Grant Opportunities with Youth Service America

Youth Service America is currently accepting applications for two of our signature grant programs - the State Farm Good Neighbor Service-Learning grants and the UnitedHealth HEROES Service-Learning grants. We have hundreds of grants to distribute, so we're looking for at least 1,000 applications between the two programs - and we know those in your networks have high quality programs that are looking for funding for their service projects!

State Farm Good Neighbor Service-Learning Grants (Deadline: October 15)
State Farm is proud to team up with Youth Service America to offer grants of up to $1,000 for youth-led service-learning initiatives is all 50 states and the District of Columbia, and in the Canadian provinces of Alberta, Ontario, and New Brunswick. Eligible programs will engage youth in service-learning, an effective teaching and learning strategy that promotes student learning, academic achievement, workplace readiness, and healthy communities.  State Farm Good Neighbor Service-Learning Grants encourage semester-long projects (following YSA's Semester of Service framework) that launch on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service (January 17, 2011) and culminate on Global Youth Service Day (April 15-17, 2011). Eligible candidates include teachers, service-learning coordinators and students in a public school, or staff and youth in a community-based organization working with a public school. Applications must be submitted by midnight, October 15, 2010. Learn more and access the application at

YSA wil host an application webinar on October 7 at 5:00 PM EST for applicants to learn more about developing a successful project. To sign up for the webinar, complete the registration form available at

UnitedHealth HEROES Service-Learning Grants (Deadline: October 22)
UnitedHealth HEROES is a service-learning, health literacy initiative designed to encourage young people, partnering with schools and nonprofits, to create and implement local hands-on programs to fight childhood obesity. Educators, nonprofit leaders, and students are encouraged to apply for grants of up to $1,000 to engage youth in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Youth participants raise awareness around their work by culminating their service projects on Global Youth Service Day (GYSD), April 15-17, 2011, an international day of service that occurs in all 50 states and in more than 100 countries. Applications must be submitted online before midnight October 22, 2010. Grant recipients will be notified in December and January. To obtain an application, visit

YSA will host an application training webinar on October 5th at 5:00 PM EST, for applicants to learn more about developing a successful project. To sign up for the webinar, complete the registration form available at

Applicants can find additional information about the grant, service-learning, and childhood obesity at, including "First Responders: Youth Addressing Childhood Obesity Through Service-Learning," a step-by-step manual that helps youths, parents, teachers, and other volunteers deploy YSA service-learning models to fight childhood obesity in their communities.

For more about YSA grants and awards, visit

Monday, September 20, 2010

What Kids Can Do (WKCD) National Writing Contest

Hey all-

This was forwarded to our office info and looks like a great opportunity for all of you.  Check it out if it sounds interesting.

WKCD Nation Writing Contest
"AT WKCD, we’ve always thought that teaching and learning works best when teachers know their students well. It makes gut sense. And a great way to kick off the school year is to give students an opportunity to talk or write about themselves, to give their teachers a feel for who they are and where they’re from.

So today we’re announcing a new national writing contest, in which students across the country tell WKCD -- and the world -- “Where I’m From.”

We're asking students to submit a poem or essay, using writer and teacher George Ella Lyon's classic poem "Where I'm From" as fuel.

The deadline for sumbitting entries is October 31, 2010. We’ll announce the winning poems and essays on our website on November 15, 2010. Winners will receive $100 Amazon gift certificates and be published on -- a great place to take a bow!"

for more info, visit

MN YIPA events

Check out these cool events sponsored by MN YIPA

Boys Adrift & Girls on the Edge

Why Gender Matters: The Importance of Gender in Early Interventions with At-Risk Youth

Giving a Fish a Bath: The Untold Story of the Adolescent Mind

Underage Alcohol Use is Not a Rite of Passage/Prescription and Over-the-Counter Drug Use and Youth

for further questions, contact Rachel at

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

10-10-10 March for Children and Youth

Hi guys,

Check out this event called 10-10-10 and see how you can get involved with helping plan and staff it - it's a great way to get involved for anyone and we would love as many volunteers as possible.  I encourage everyone to pass this along to anyone you know that would be interested - the more support we have from volunteers, the better.

for information, go here:

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Hey Promise Fellows-

I'd like to welcome everyone to our very own resource blog!  I thought it would be a good idea to have an online forum for all of us to share stories, new articles, studies and anything else that would benefit us as a team.  I also thought it would be a cool way for us to communicate with each other and stay connected over the course of our year of service with Americorps.  If you'd like to join the blog and start posting, let me know ( and I'll make it happen.  Cheers!